; server time snippet by David "Saturn" van Moolenbroek ; Version 0.11, released 12-07-2005 -- support on #help.script/QuakeNet ; ; Usage: $stime ; ; This identifier returns the server's unix time, or simply $ctime if the ; server's unix time could not be retrieved. on *:CONNECT:raw -q time on *:DISCONNECT:hdel stime $cid raw 391:*:{ if (!$hget(stime,$cid)) haltdef if ($3 isnum) var %time = $3 elseif ($7 == --) var %time = $calc($ctime($3-6 $8) - $& $duration($9) * 60 - $timezone + $daylight) hadd -m stime $cid $calc(%time - $ctime) } alias stime return $calc($ctime + $hget(stime,$cid))